D3 1000iu
D3 1000iu

D3 1000iu

Tax included


Helps Support Immune, Heart and Bone Health

Non-GMO / Gluten Free / Soy Free 


Doctor's Best Vitamin D3 provides D3 (as cholecalciferol) needed for the body to regulate phosphorus and calcium levels for healthy bones, teeth and heart. Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin by absorbing the sun's UV rays and is obtained from food in limited amounts. Sun protection and climate factors may influence low Vitamin D3 levels. Vitamin D3 is beneficial for immune, cardiovascular, bone density and structure, and cellular function. It plays a role in most organs and systems of the body and influences the chemical messengers of the immune systems.


Helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels needed for healthy bones and teeth

Helps support immune and heart health

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