Regulations of the online store available at the internet address:, administered by Krzysztof Barnaś, hereinafter referred to as the Seller:

Power Zone LLC

1013 Centre Rd.

Suite 403-A

Wilmington,DE 19805 USA

e-mail: regulates the rules for the services provided by the Seller by electronic means and sales contracts concluded via the Online Store, including their types, rights and obligations of both the Customers and the Seller, the procedure for withdrawing from the contract and the procedure to be followed complaint.

Table of Contents:

§ 1 Definitions

§ 2 General provisions

§ 3 Services provided electronically (types, conditions, withdrawal)

§ 4 Sales contract

§ 5 Order processing and delivery

§ 6 Payment methods

§ 7 Right of withdrawal

§ 8 Warranty

§ 9 Complaints

§ 10 Liability

§ 11 Out-of-court dispute resolution

§ 12 Final provisions

§ 1


  • Online store - an online store available at
  • Seller - Power Zone LLC, 1013 Center Rd. Suite 403-A Wilmington, DE 19805 USA
  • Customer - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, the law of which grants legal capacity, concluding a contract with the Seller.
  • Consumer - a natural person, in accordance with art. 221 of the Act of 23 April 1964 - Civil Code, making a legal transaction with the Seller not directly related to its business or professional activity.
  • Entrepreneur - means a natural person, legal person or an organizational unit that is not a legal person, which the law grants legal capacity, conducting business or professional activity on its own behalf.
  • Service - electronic services provided by the Seller (Service Provider) to the Customer (Service Recipient) via the Online Store.
  • Distance contract - a contract concluded between the Seller of the Online Store and the Consumer as part of an organized procedure for concluding distance contracts, without the need for both parties to the contract at one place and time, concluded using one or more means necessary for distance communication up to and including the conclusion of the contract.
  • Sales contract - a distance contract between the Customer and the Seller via the Online Store, the subject of which is the purchase of the Goods.
  • Goods - a product, a movable item that the Customer purchases from the Seller via the Online Store.
  • Customer Account - a set of data in the Seller's IT system in which information about the Customer is collected, including contact information and order history.
  • Registration form - an electronic service, a form available in the Online Store that allows you to create a Customer Account.
  • Order form - an electronic service, a form available in the Online Store that allows you to purchase the Goods selected by the Customer.
  • Order - Customer's declaration of will submitted via the Online Store, expressing unequivocally the will to conclude a Sales Agreement, specifying in particular its terms, as well as the type and quantity of the Goods, method and cost of delivery, form of payment and the Customer's data necessary to perform the contract.
  • Newsletter - a service that allows you to subscribe to and receive electronically free information about the Seller's Goods and promotions.
  • Business day - one day from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

§ 2

General provisions

  • The Seller undertakes to provide services to the Customer, in compliance with applicable law and the conditions provided for in these Regulations, respecting the principles of social coexistence.
  • The Seller declares that it complies with all rules for the protection of personal data of Customers provided for in the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (ie Journal of Laws of 2015, item 2135, as amended).
  • The Customer agrees to the collection, storage and processing of personal data by the Seller for purposes directly related to the implementation of the Service or Good ordered in the Online Store. Detailed conditions for the collection, processing and protection of personal data by the Seller are set out in the "Privacy Policy" of the Online Store.
  • The Customer undertakes to use the Online Store and the services offered by the Seller through it, complying with applicable law and the conditions provided for in these Regulations, respecting the principles of social coexistence.
  • The Seller declares that the Goods available in the Online Store are:

a) new and safe,

b) free from physical and legal defects,

c) in accordance with the properties indicated in the Online Store,

d) legally placed on the Polish market.

  • The manufacturer's warranty, in which the manufacturer assumes responsibility for the properties of things, the existence of which he assured (e.g. as to functionality, durability, quality of things), does not exclude or in any way limit the Customer's ability to use his rights resulting from under the warranty for physical and legal defects of the Goods (§ 8), which he purchased from the Seller.
  • The seller carries out orders in Poland and abroad.
  • All information contained in the Seller's Online Store, relating to the products (including prices), does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Art. 66 of the Civil Code, but an invitation to conclude a contract specified in art. 71 of the Civil Code.
  • All prices listed on the Online Store website are given in Polish zlotys (PLN) and are gross prices (including VAT, customs duties and other components). Prices do not include delivery costs.
  • Delivery costs depend on the supplier selected by the customer and the type of shipment (e.g. weight or non-standard dimensions). The total cost of delivery is visible to the Customer before the final order confirmation and acceptance of the Regulations, as well as in the message confirming the acceptance of the order by the Seller, referred to in § 4 point 6.

§ 3

Services provided electronically
(types, conditions, withdrawal)

  • Za pośrednictwem funkcjonalności dostępnych w Sklepie internetowym, Sprzedawca świadczy usługi drogą elektroniczną.
  • The use of all services available in the Online Store (conclusion of a contract for the provision of electronic services) is voluntary and free.
  • Contracts for the provision of electronic services are implemented in the scope of:

a) completing the order form by the Customers of the Online Store, the contract is concluded for a definite period of time when the Customer starts to fill in the form and is terminated upon withdrawal from completing the form or upon sending the completed form to the Seller. The process of completing the order form is organized so that every consumer has the opportunity to read it before making a decision to conclude a contract or amend the contract;

b) completing the contact form by the User of the Online Store, the contract is concluded for a definite period of time when the Customer starts to fill in the form and is terminated when the form is not completed or the completed form is sent to the Seller;

c) registration and maintenance of the Customer Account, the contract is concluded for an indefinite period, at the time of registration by the Customer using the functionality available on the Online Store website;

d) sending the Customer a commercial offer in the form of a Newsletter, the contract is concluded for an indefinite period, when the Customer subscribes to the Newsletter service, using the functionality available on the Online Store website.

  • Technical requirements necessary to use the services provided by the Seller:

a) a device with access to the Internet,

b) a web browser that supports cookies,

c) access to electronic mail.

  • The customer pays fees related to access to the Internet and data transmission in accordance with the tariff of his Internet service provider.
  • The right to withdraw from the contract for the provision of electronic services is granted to:

a) the Customer who is a Consumer on the terms provided for in these Regulations (§ 7),

b) the Customer to whom the Seller provides the services referred to in point 3 lit. c and d, of a continuous and indefinite nature, without giving any reason, with immediate effect.

  • In order to exercise the right referred to in point 6 (b), the Customer sends an unequivocal statement on the termination of the contract for the provision of electronic services to the e-mail address:
  • In the event of non-performance or improper performance of the service provided electronically by the Seller, the Customer is entitled to submit a complaint on the terms provided for in these Regulations (§ 9).
  • Sprzedawca zastrzega sobie prawo do wypowiedzenia umowy o świadczenie usług drogą elektroniczną o charakterze ciągłym i bezterminowym z zachowaniem 7 dniowego terminu wypowiedzenia w przypadku naruszenia przez Klienta postanowień niniejszego Regulaminu.

§ 4

Sales contract

  • To conclude a valid and binding for both parties of the Sales Agreement, the Customer using the functionalities available on the Online Store website:

a) selects the Good, specifying its quantity and features ("ADD TO CART" functionality),

b) completes the order form, indicating the data necessary to perform the contract, i.e. name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, delivery address, company name and registered office, tax identification number (NIP), as well as the method of delivery and payment method.

  • The Seller allows the Customer to set up a Customer Account via the Registration Form. Registration by the Customer is one-time, voluntary and free of charge. The data provided during account registration will be used to process subsequent orders.
  • Having a Customer account (registration) is not necessary to place orders in the Online Store.
  • The Seller accepts orders via the Order Form available in the Online Store, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Immediately after receiving the order, the Seller shall send the Customer by e-mail to the e-mail address provided when placing the order, a declaration of acceptance of the order, which is also its confirmation. As soon as the customer receives the message, a sales contract is concluded.
  • The message summarizing and confirming the order contains all the previously agreed terms of the sales contract, in particular the quantity and type of the ordered Goods, the total price to be paid with delivery costs and the amount of discounts (if applicable).
  • A customer who has a customer account can check the status of the order after logging in.

§ 5

Order processing and delivery

  • The order is processed by the Seller in the order of receipt, taking into account § 6 point 3 of these Regulations.
  • The delivery time, which includes in particular the preparation of the order, i.e. completing, packing and issuing the supplier's shipment, is individually specified for each Product available on the website of the online store.
  • The choice of the supplier, made by the customer when placing the order, has a direct influence on the time of order fulfillment.
  • An order collected personally by the Customer at the Seller's address is carried out immediately after its confirmation. The exact date of delivery of the Goods will be agreed with the Customer individually and confirmed by the Seller via a message sent to the Customer's e-mail address.
  • In the event of exceptional circumstances or the inability to execute the order in the indicated in paragraph 2, the Seller shall immediately contact the Customer in order to determine the further course of action, including the establishment of a different date of order fulfillment, change of the method of delivery.
  • The Goods are delivered via a selected courier company. Orders are issued to the supplier by the Seller on working days.
  • Wydany dostawcy Towar jest zapakowany w sposób właściwy, zapewniający ochronę przed uszkodzeniem podczas transportu.
  • Detailed information on the possible forms of delivery and related costs, the Seller has made available on the website of the Online Store.
  •  When completing the order form and in the message confirming the order referred to in § 4 sec. 6, the Customer is informed about the costs of the chosen method of delivery of the Goods.
  •  The customer is entitled to cancel or change the order, but no later than until the Seller sends a message confirming the order, referred to in § 4 sec. 6 by contacting the Seller by phone or e-mail.
  • After receiving the parcel, the Customer or a third party authorized by him should, if possible, carefully check the condition of the packaging, whether it shows signs of damage, tampering with an unauthorized person and whether its contents are intact. In the event of any damage or other irregularities, the Customer should, in the presence of the courier, if possible, prepare a damage report and notify the Seller of this fact. If the Goods appear damaged, the Customer is requested not to accept the parcel, if possible. This provision in no way excludes and does not limit the Customer's rights to submit a complaint on the terms provided for in these Regulations. The above-described procedure is only intended to help the Seller in determining the causes and liability for the damage. Failure to prepare a report by the customer at the courier does not limit the possibility of reporting damage to the parcel.

§ 6

Payment methods

  • The seller enables the following payment methods via the electronic payment system (DotPay)
  • The customer is obliged to make the payment within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt of the message confirming the acceptance of the order by the Seller, specifying the total cost of the order with delivery (conclusion of the contract).
  • If you choose dotpay payment, the order will be processed immediately after receiving the information and making the payment
  • The Seller documents the sale of the Goods with a receipt and, at the Customer's request, issues a VAT invoice. The proof of purchase is delivered to the Customer together with the Goods.

§ 7

Right of withdrawal

  • Pursuant to Art. 27 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, the Customer who is also a Consumer has the right to withdraw from a distance contract without giving a reason.
  • The right to withdraw from the contract is granted within 14 calendar days from the moment the Customer or a third party designated by him other than the carrier takes possession of the Goods.
  • In order to exercise the statutory right to withdraw from the contract, the Customer submits to the Seller an unambiguous declaration of will, sending it to the address of the registered office or e-mail address of the Seller.
  • The customer may use the declaration of withdrawal from the contract, constituting Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations. Using the form is not a condition for withdrawing from the contract provided for in this paragraph.
  • To meet the deadline specified in sec. 2, it is enough to send a declaration of withdrawal from the contract by e-mail or to the address of the Seller before its expiry.
  • The customer who has used the delivery to the Seller of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract by electronic means will be immediately informed of the acceptance of the declaration of will by e-mail or in writing to the address provided in the Order Form.
  • The Seller shall immediately, within no more than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract, reimburse the Customer for all payments received from him, including the costs of delivering the goods. The Seller shall refund the payment using the same method of payment as used by the Customer, unless the Customer has expressly agreed to a different method of payment refund, which does not involve any additional costs for him.
  • The Seller shall refrain from reimbursing the payments referred to above until the Goods are received or the Customer confirms their return, in the absence of the Seller's obligation to collect the Goods in person.
  • After withdrawing from the contract, the Customer is obliged to return the purchased Goods to the Seller or a person authorized by him to collect it immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the date of submitting the declaration of withdrawal.
  • The goods should be returned to the address of the Seller.
  • The customer bears only the direct costs of returning the Goods.
  • The consumer is only liable for the decrease in the value of the item as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item.
  • The right to withdraw from the contract is not granted to the Customer, who is also a Consumer, in relation to the contracts specified in art. 38 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights.


  • The seller is liable to the customer under the warranty for physical defects if the item:

a) does not have properties that this kind of thing should have due to the purpose specified in the contract or resulting from circumstances or destination;

b) does not have properties that the Seller has provided to the Buyer, including by presenting a sample or pattern;

c) it is not suitable for the purpose of which the Buyer informed the Seller at the conclusion of the contract, and the Seller did not raise any objections as to its intended use;

d) was delivered to the Buyer incomplete.

  • The seller is liable to the customer under the warranty for legal defects, if the item is encumbered with the right of a third party.
  • The Seller's liability under the warranty for physical or legal defects of the Goods, if the defects referred to in points 1 and 2 are found before the expiry of two years from the date of delivery of the Goods to the Customer by the Seller.
  • In the event of replacement of the Goods, the above-mentioned period starts anew.
  • The notification of defects should be sent to the Seller in writing to the address of his registered office or by e-mail to his e-mail address, taking into account the deadline referred to in point 3.
  • In order to facilitate the preparation of the notification, the Customer may use the Complaint Form attached as Appendix 2 to these Regulations.
  • In order to correctly assess the physical defect of the Goods, at the request of the Seller and with the consent of the Customer, the Goods should be delivered to the address of the Seller's registered office.
  • The delivery of the Goods as part of the exercise of the rights resulting from the warranty for defects is carried out at the expense of the Seller.
  • The Seller responds to the Customer's notification immediately, but not later than within 14 calendar days from the date of its receipt. If the application is not processed within the specified time limit, it should be considered as considered by the Seller.
  • The Seller is released from liability under the warranty for physical and legal defects if the Customer knew about the defects at the time of concluding the sales contract and in the event of concluding the sales contract with the entrepreneur.
  • The Seller covers the costs of collecting the Goods, delivery, removing defects or defects and replacing the Goods with a new one.

§ 9


  • In the event of non-performance or improper performance of the provisions of the contract, the customer has the right to file a complaint.
  • The complaint should include:

a) Customer data, i.e. name, surname, address, company name and registered office, contact telephone number, e-mail address,

b) designation of the subject of the complaint,

c) the period of time the complaint relates to,

d) the circumstances justifying the submission of the complaint.

  •  As part of the complaint, the Customer who is a Consumer has the right to request:

a) replacement of the Goods with a new one,

b) repair of the defective Goods,

c) lowering the price,

d) if the defect is significant, it may withdraw from the contract.

  • The Seller may refuse to replace or repair the Goods only if it would be impossible or would require excessive costs. In this case, the Seller may propose a different way of fulfilling the claim.
  • The assessment of excessive costs takes into account the value of the item free from defects, the significance of the defect for the functionality of the Goods and any inconvenience that could occur on the part of the Customer in the event of a different method of satisfying the claim proposed by the Seller.
  • The consumer has the right to choose the method of satisfying the claim and possibly change his claim.
  • Unless separate provisions provide otherwise, the Seller shall consider the Consumer's complaint within 30 days from the date of its receipt. The Seller sends the response to the complaint to the Consumer in paper form or on another durable medium to the Customer's address or his e-mail address provided when placing the order.
  • If the application is not processed within the specified time limit, it should be considered as considered by the Seller. A claim to withdraw from the contract, if it is not processed on time, does not constitute acceptance of the submitted complaint.

§ 10


  • The Customer undertakes to use the Online Store in accordance with applicable law and the principles of social coexistence.
  • The customer is responsible for the correctness of the entered data, in particular when using the functionalities available on the Online Store website.
  • The Seller is not responsible for the unlawful actions of the Customer related to the use of the Online Store.
  • The Seller is not responsible for transactions made by unauthorized third parties to whom the Customer has provided the login and password to the Customer Account by failing to exercise due diligence in the protection of these data.
  • The Seller may suspend or terminate the provision of certain services provided via the Online Store, which may not in any way infringe the Customer's rights or affect the contracts concluded with the Seller so far.

§ 11

Out-of-court dispute resolution

  • The consumer has the right to use out-of-court dispute resolution and redress through mediation or an arbitration court. Regardless of this, the customer may ask for help from the municipal (poviat) Consumer Ombudsman, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection and at the following addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:,,

  • The Network of European Consumer Centers helps in resolving cross-border disputes. The addresses of these institutions are available on the website of the European Consumer Center
  • All necessary information can be obtained on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection at
  • The Customer who is a Consumer may also use the electronic method of resolving disputes with the Seller via the EU platform available at: .
  • The use of out-of-court complaint and redress procedures is voluntary and may take place when both parties to the dispute agree to it.
  • Disputes arising as a result of the provision of services under these Regulations will be submitted to a common court according to the Customer's choice in accordance with the relevant provisions of Polish law.

§ 12

Final provisions

  • The Seller respects all the Customer's rights under the provisions of Polish law.
  • The Seller reserves the right to amend these Regulations for important reasons, including due to the change in the provisions of the applicable law. The Seller is obliged to notify the Customers about each change at least 14 days before the entry into force of the updated version of the Regulations, on the website of the Online Store.
  • The provisions of the new Regulations do not apply to orders and contracts concluded before the entry into force of its updated version and do not affect the rights acquired by the Customer under the provisions of the previous Regulations.
  • The customer has the right not to accept the new wording of the Regulations.
  • The content, in particular graphics, texts, layouts and colors of the website are the property of the Seller and are protected by the provisions of the act on copyright and related rights. Each use of the content in question requires the Seller's written consent. Failure to obtain consent may result in criminal and civil liability.
  • Disputes arising as a result of the provision of services under these Regulations will be submitted to a common court according to the Customer's choice in accordance with the relevant provisions of Polish law.
  • Annexes to the Regulations constitute its integral part.
  • The Regulations enter into force on 01/02/2020.


The right to withdraw from the contract

  • Pursuant to the wording of Art. 27 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights, each Customer who is also a Consumer has the right to withdraw from a distance contract within 14 days, without giving a reason. The deadline for withdrawal is counted from the moment the Customer takes possession of the Goods in person or by a third party authorized by him to collect the Goods, other than the carrier.
  • The right to withdraw from the contract is not granted to the Customer, who is also a Consumer, in relation to the contracts specified in art. 38 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights.
  • To exercise the right to withdraw from the contract, you must inform the Seller, i.e.

Power Zone LLC

1013 Centre Rd.

Suite 403-A

Wilmington,DE 19805 USA

unequivocal declaration of will to withdraw from the contract:

a) in electronic form to the address

  • The customer may use the declaration of withdrawal from the contract, constituting Annex 1 to the Regulations of the Online Store. The use of the form is not obligatory and is not a condition for the correct withdrawal from the contract by the Customer.
  • To meet the 14-day deadline for withdrawing from a distance contract, it is sufficient to send a declaration of will to withdraw, before the expiry of the indicated period.

Consequences of withdrawal from the contract

  • Withdrawal from the contract by the Customer is tantamount to recognizing the contract as not concluded, which releases the Customer from any obligations towards the Seller.
  • The seller returns to the customer all payments received from him.
  • Withdrawal from the contract results in the Seller's reimbursement of all payments received from the Customer, including the cost of delivering the item (except for additional costs resulting from the method of delivery chosen by you other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered in our Online Store). The reimbursement is made using the same method of payment as used by the customer, unless the customer has expressly agreed to a different method of reimbursement, which does not involve any additional costs for him.
  • The online store refrains from reimbursing the payment until the Goods are received or the Customer confirms its return, in the absence of the Seller's obligation to collect the Goods personally.
  • The customer is asked to return the Goods immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of submitting the declaration of will to withdraw.
  • The customer is obliged to bear only the direct costs of delivering the Goods.
  • The consumer is liable only for the decrease in the value of the item as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item.


§1 General provisions

1. This Privacy Policy sets out the rules for the processing and protection of personal data

Users and Customers using the Online Store available at the Internet address: The document also defines the rules for the use of cookies.

2. This document is informative.

3. The administrator of personal data of the Customers of the Online Store, within the meaning of the Act

of August 29, 1997 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883, as amended), hereinafter referred to as u.o.d.o., is:

Power Zone LLC

1013 Centre Rd.

Suite 403-A

Wilmington,DE 19805 USA


4. The Administrator declares that the User's personal data are processed in accordance with u.o.d.o. and the Act of July 18, 2002. on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended).

5. Personal data of Customers using the services and tools provided as part of the Online Store are processed on the basis of the consent expressed by the Customer, after reading

and in accordance with the provisions of this document and the Regulations of the Online Store (for this purpose, the Customer selects the appropriate checkboxes on the Online Store website, following the messages that appear on the Store's website).

6. The administrator ensures that personal data is processed in accordance with the law and that they are not made available or sold to third parties, in accordance with u.o.d.o.

7. The customer has the right to contact the Administrator in order to obtain comprehensive information,

how his personal data is used. We always try to inform clearly about the data we collect, how we use it, what purposes it is intended for and to whom we provide it, what we ensure the protection of this data when transferring it to other entities and we provide information about the institutions that should be contacted in the event of doubts.

8. The administrator declares that in order to secure the data against access by unauthorized persons or against their unauthorized use, all collected data are protected using rational technical, organizational and security procedures.

9. The administrator of the Online Store, on the terms set out in the Regulations and in this document, has exclusive access to data. Access to the Customer's personal data may also be entrusted to other entities, e.g. by means of which the Customer makes payments for purchases in the Online Store, which collect, process and store personal data in accordance with their Regulations and privacy policies, and entities that are responsible for the delivery of the Goods. to the customer. Access to the Customer's personal data is granted to the above-mentioned entities to the extent necessary and only to those that will ensure the implementation of their services so that the Customer can purchase and receive the Goods and pay for them.

10. All words and expressions that appear in this document and begin with a capital letter (eg Seller, Customer, Order) should be understood in accordance with the definitions contained in the Regulations of the Online Store, which is available on the Store's website.

11. The privacy policy is intended to define activities that are taken by the Administrator in the field of personal data that is collected via the Online Store and services and tools related to the Online Store that are used by customers to perform specific activities, such as: setting up Accounts, placing an Order or performing other types of activities as part of the Online Store.


Collection, acquisition, scope and purpose of collecting personal data

1. Personal data of the Customers of the Online Store are collected using the following functionalities of the Online Store: Contact Form, Order Form, data provided in the Customer Account, login details and registration data.

2. The Administrator processes the Customers' personal data necessary for the proper implementation of the services available in the Online Store and is entitled to use the data collected and stored in the Online Store for the following purposes:

a) placing an order in the Online Store,

b) conclusion and implementation of the Sales Agreement or the Agreement for the provision of Electronic Services, c) direct marketing of own products or services,

d) providing full service to the User, including setting up and managing the User's account / accounts, solving technical problems and providing relevant functions,

e) adjusting the offer and the User's experience, including advertisements, in the properties of the Store, f) monitoring the activity of all and specific Users,

g) contacting Users, in particular for purposes related to the provision of services, User service, permitted marketing and advertising activities,

h) conducting research and analyzes to improve the operation of available services, i) enforcing compliance with the Online Store Regulations,

j) assessing some of the Customer's personal factors.

3. The administrator is authorized only to store the data collected and tracked in the Online Store only for the purposes of the above-specified purposes.

4. The administrator collects, processes and stores the following customer data:

a) e-mail address (e-mail address),

b) name and surname,

c) company name (in the case of customers who are not consumers),

d) NIP (in the case of customers who are not consumers),

e) delivery address of the Goods (street, house number, apartment number, zip code, city, country), f) address of residence / business / seat (if different from the delivery address),

g) telephone number.

5. The Seller declares that the provision of data by the Customer in the above-mentioned scope is completely voluntary and at the same time necessary for the Seller to fully implement the services provided via the Online Store. The scope of the required data to conclude the contract is indicated previously on the website of the Online Store and in the Regulations of the Online Store.

6. In connection with the possibility of creating an Account and registering in the Online Store, the Administrator informs that Customers who will set up an Account may be required to provide data such as: name and surname, e-mail address (e-mail address) and password.

7. As part of the Online Store, the Administrator may store information such as: personal data that is necessary to enable contact with the customer, sending messages or data related to payments.

9. The administrator reserves the right to block and filter messages that are sent via the internal messaging system. In particular, when the messages are spam, contain prohibited content or otherwise threaten the safety of the Users of the Online Store.

10. In addition, the Administrator is entitled to automatically obtain and record data transferred to the server by web browsers or customer devices, e.g. IP address, software parameters, hardware parameters, pages viewed, identification number of the mobile device, as well as other data related to the devices. and the use of the system.

11. Examples of recipients of personal data of the Customers of the Online Store:

a) The Administrator entrusts the collected personal data of the Customer, a selected carrier or intermediary who carries out shipments at the request of the Administrator - in the case of a Customer using the Online Store with the method of delivery by post or courier,

b) The Administrator entrusts the collected personal data of the Customer to a selected entity that handles electronic payments in the online store - in the case of a Customer using the Store

online with the method of electronic payment or with a payment card.

12. In order to recognize the attractiveness of advertisements and services for customers, improve the quality and effectiveness of the services provided by the Online Store or other entities mentioned, or

in order to participate in scientific research, the Administrator may share anonymised data with other entities, including partners of the Online Store.

13. The Administrator informs the Users that he entrusts the processing of personal data to the following entities:

a) DotPay - DialCom24 Sp. z o.o., ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, KRS: 0000347935, NIP: 7811733852 - in order to enable electronic payments for the ordered Goods,

b) PayPal Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Emilii Plater 53, 00113 Warsaw, KRS: 0000289372, NIP: 5252406419 - in order to enable electronic payments for the ordered Goods,

c) Poczta Polska S.A., ul. 8 Spanish families, 00-940 Warsaw. KRS: 0000334972, NIP: 5250007313- for the purpose of delivering the Goods.

§3 Cookies Policy

1. The Administrator automatically collects information contained in Cookies in order to collect data related to the use of the website by the Customer or the User. Cookies are a small piece of text that the website sends to the client's browser and which the browser sends back at the next visits to the website. They are mainly used to maintain a session, e.g. by generating and sending back a temporary identifier after logging in. The administrator uses "session" (temporary) cookies, which are stored on the Customer's end device until logging out, turning off the website or turning off the web browser, and "permanent" cookies, which are stored on the Customer's end device for the time specified in the file parameters Cookies or until they are deleted by the Customer.

2. As part of the Online Store, the Administrator uses the following types of Cookies:

- "necessary", which enable the use of services available as part of the Online Store, - used to ensure security,

- "advertising", which enable the delivery of advertising content tailored to the interests of the User,

- "performance", which are used to obtain information about the way Users use the website of the Online Store,

- "functional", which allow you to remember the functionalities of the Online Store preferred by the User.

3. The administrator of the service uses external cookies in order to:

- use of interactive functions in order to popularize the Store using the social network (the cookie administrator is Facebook Inc.

in the United States or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland).

4. Cookies adjust and optimize the Online Store and its offer for the needs of Customers by such activities as creating statistics of the Online Store views and ensuring the security of the Online Store and its Users. Cookies are also necessary to maintain the Customer's session after he leaves the website, they allow him to return to the contents of the basket without losing its parameters, which would involve the need to select the Goods again.

5. The customer at any time using his web browser can change the settings for cookies, including completely block or delete the collection of cookies.

6. Blocking the possibility of collecting or making other changes to the settings for cookies on the device may make it difficult or impossible to use some of the functionalities of the Online Store, to which the Customer is fully entitled, but in such a situation must be aware of the functional limitations available on the Store's website. internet.

7. A customer who does not want to use cookies for the purpose described above may at any time delete them manually. To read the detailed instructions on how to proceed, visit the website of the manufacturer of the web browser used, which is currently used by the Customer.

8. More information on Cookies is available in the help menu of each web browser. Examples of web browsers that support the aforementioned "Cookies": Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Opera.

9. The administrator may allow external entities to collect information using the above technologies directly on the website of the Online Store, e.g. advertising providers or providers of analytical solutions. The data collected in this way is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Policies that are developed by these entities.

10. Some external entities operating as part of the Online Store may allow Users to withdraw their consent to the collection and use of data by them for the purposes of advertising based on the Customer's activity. More information on this can be found, for example, on the website:


Rights and obligations

1. The administrator has the right as well as the statutory obligation to transfer selected or

all information regarding the Customers of the Online Store to public authorities or third parties who submit such a request for information on the basis of applicable provisions of Polish law.

2. The customer has the right to access his personal data collected by the Administrator at any time. The right to verify, modify, supplement, delete, limit data processing, object to processing, transfer data, as well as stop processing the Customer's personal data, as well as the right to withdraw consent to data processing for a specific purpose, if the Customer has previously given such consent and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. These rights are available without giving a reason.

3. In order to exercise his rights, the Customer may at any time send an appropriate declaration of will to the address of the Data Administrator or via e-mail.

4. Removal of personal data or cessation of their processing by the Administrator may result in the complete impossibility of providing services provided via the Online Store, or their serious limitation.

5. The administrator declares that he does not entrust the processing of data and does not disclose the collected personal data of customers without the consent of interested entities that are not related, unless the following circumstances apply:

a) The Administrator may use the support of external entities to provide the services provided by them, however, these entities are not authorized to independently use personal data that is processed on behalf of the Online Store, and all their activities are subject to the provisions of the Online Store Privacy Policy,

b) The administrator has the right to disclose data to public authorities in conducting proceedings for possible violations of the law or combating possible violations of the Regulations of the Online Store.

6. The Customer agrees to the processing of personal data for the purpose of providing the service, by accepting the statements contained in the interactive forms available on the Store's website proposed by the Administrator, including The contact form, Registration form or the Order Form.

7. The customer may also consent to additional purposes of processing his personal data by accepting non-obligatory statements that are proposed in the forms available on the website of the Online Store.

8. Customers who have registered in the Online Store have the right to edit, view and delete any data provided by them.

9. The customer ensures that the data provided or published by him in the online store are correct. Customers who have decided to delete their Account in the Online Store have the right to request that their personal data be permanently deleted from the Administrator's resources. These rights result directly from the GDPR that comes into force ("the right to be forgotten").

10. Consents that have been voluntarily given by the Customer to receive commercial information may be withdrawn at any time at his request, submitted via e-mail. The administrator, within 48 hours of receiving the declaration of withdrawal of consent, deletes the Customer's data from the contact database, which is used to provide commercial information by electronic means.

11. The administrator undertakes to act in accordance with applicable law and generally accepted principles of social coexistence.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

1. The offer of the Online Store may be extended in the future, which means that the Administrator will be obliged or entitled to introduce changes to the Privacy Policy.

2. The store reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy, which may be influenced by, inter alia, development of internet technology, as well as changes in the law in the field of personal data protection.

3. The Store will inform the Customers about any changes in a visible and understandable way. New versions of the Privacy Policy will be posted on the Online Store website along with an appropriate message.

4. Each change of the Privacy Policy will be effective from the date of notification of its change by posting it on the website of the Online Store. Any changes will be properly highlighted for a period of one month from the date of the changes to the Privacy Policy.