SR 9011

SR 9011

Tax included

45caps / 10mg

SR 9011 is a REV-ERB agonist. REV-ERB proteins are responsible for monitoring blood glucose levels, monitoring body fat, digesting sugars, and breaking down cartilage. SR 9011 penetrates the liver, where it changes several genes, such as those controlling glucose production and metabolism, fat production and metabolism, and oxygen utilization. Other SARMs bind to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, leading to changes in its DNA. SR9011 binds to the liver itself, where it causes changes at the cellular level and rewrites DNA in many unique ways.

SR9011 affects glucose production, fat cell growth and sleep patterns. Compared to SR9009 – SR9011 has a much longer half-life.




- increased resting metabolism

- improves cardiovascular efficiency

- reduced fat deposition

- rapid development of lean muscle mass

- fights inflammation

- controls the lipid panel and cholesterol

- shortening the recovery time after exercise

- does not block the HPTA axis





One capsule a day

Supplement facts 

1 caps

SR 9011 



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