Natural Spirulina
Natural Spirulina

Natural Spirulina

Tax included

120 VegCaps

Spirulina is a microscopic algae from the group of blue-green algae, whose positive properties were already appreciated by the Aztecs. It is a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Its health properties include: positive effect on improving the lipid profile and carbohydrate metabolism of the body.



Almost 70% of the composition of spirulina is protein, providing the body with essential exogenous amino acids, i.e. those that it cannot produce itself. These include: leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. Therefore, algae is considered a good source of complete protein in the diet of people who do not eat meat or animal products.

The fat in spirulina is about 7% of its dry weight. It provides mainly essential fatty acids, including linolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids.

In addition, spirulina is rich in vitamins and minerals. These include: beta-carotene, B vitamins, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, selenium and molybdenum. Some specialists believe that iron from algae is more than twice as better absorbed than that from traditional meat products. This would be related to the possibility of producing an iron complex with phycocyanin present in algae, and increasing the bioavailability of this element.






• reduces the risk of occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes,

• prevents atherosclerosis and stroke,

• detoxifies and removes heavy metals from the body (used in arsenic poisoning),

• supports weight loss (accelerates fat loss and lowers cholesterol),

• increases immunity and even prevents the formation of cancer (increases the production of antibodies),

• reduces inflammation, helps in the treatment of anemia, flu, herpes, HIV,

• protects against cirrhosis of the liver.



Suggested Usage:

Up to 6 capsules a day

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